Pi-Star V3.3.5 Released

02 May 2017

Pi-Star V3.3.0 was quite a sizable release, since then there has been
a period of relitive stability, however there have been some new features
of note that have been added in the 3.3.x train.

3.3.3 brought some significant P25 / YSF improvements, and at the same
time new additions to the dashboard to also support P25 correctly.
3.3.4/3.3.5 are just checkpoint releases that include the current OS
updates and include the current (at the time of release) dashboard

I have modified the dashboard to support alternative timezones, this
has been problematic for anyone more than an hour away from UTC,
however I believe I am mostly through those issues, the dashboard
currently appears to work like it should do.

More for fun than for any practical reason, the update process now
looks more like a Linux / Unix terminal (green on black) and scrolls
in the browser, rather than just filling up the page.

Keep having fun!!